what life will look like?

 Life is full of lessons. Some things are learned instantly, like touching a hot plate. Others take time to understand, for example, what it means to truly love. But no matter the size of the lesson, there are 25 important lessons that everyone should know before leaving adolescence and moving on to the next stage of life.

I- Try Self-development

1. Your habits can make or break you. Every action is a brick, which means that what you do every day determines the house you are in. You are the house you build.

2. You are what you read. If your body reflects what you eat, your mind reflects what you read and learn. Fill it with the good stuff, not the sweet stuff like social media.

3. You can't compare your journey to someone else's. We each struggle with our own difficulties, and we each have our own victories. Your journey exists for a reason. Pay attention to the lessons that have been prepared for you and for yourself.

4. Your inner circle is your dream team. If you surround yourself with negative people, your dreams will die. If you surround yourself with positive and motivated people, your dreams will flourish. It's up to you to build your dream team correctly.

5. Your life is a reflection of how you feel about yourself. It's always about self-esteem. The more you are willing to face your fears, mistakes and pain points, the stronger your sense of self will be and the happier you will be.

II- Try to be Productivity as mush as possible

1. How you spend your time reflects how you spend your money. Smart and wealthy people know the value of their time. They see every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month, etc. as an opportunity to invest wisely in themselves. You should do the same.

2. In order to be productive, you must eliminate distractions. Productivity is not multitasking. In fact, it's quite the opposite. It's about trying to do less, so you can possibly do more.

3. If you don't do what needs to be done, fear will set in. We avoid doing the things we don't want to do, or worse, we doubt that we can do them all. That's why business plans and book ideas are often put on hold. To be successful, you need to pay attention to what's holding you back.

4. Efficiency is a process. It doesn't happen the first or second time you do something. This means that to be effective in every sense of the word, you must be committed to constantly finding ways to improve yourself over time.

5. Failure to prepare is failure. You can't expect to execute quickly and effectively if you're not prepared for success. What you do today will influence how you start tomorrow.

III - Give more value that you probably can

1. The most important relationship in your life is the one you have with yourself. Without a positive relationship with yourself, all other relationships in your life will suffer. Always start with yourself.

2. Friendships and relationships are partnerships. They are not one-way streets. Healthy relationships heal both parties.

3. Trust is built through actions, not words. You can't pay attention to what people say or promise, only what they actually do. The way a person acts tells you everything you need to know.

4. True connection is built on vulnerability. Whether it's a friendship, a significant other, or even a business relationship, the best interactions are based on some level of vulnerability. After all, we're all exploring life together. We want to make real connections.

5. Every relationship has its ups and downs. Conflicts and disagreements are inevitable. What matters is how each conflict is resolved. The key is to always be respectful and give room for doubt so that both parties can be heard and understood.

IV- Take care of your Health as it is the temple of God

1) Your body is your sanctuary. Treat it with care.

2. crash with too much sugar. Sweetened meals and overly processed foods are not part of a healthy lifestyle. Your body is a reflection of who you are, your habits, how you treat yourself, everything. Eliminate the bad stuff.

3. lack of sleep is not a trophy. Bragging that you slept only three hours last night is not pride. But it does indicate that you have a serious imbalance and an unsustainable work schedule. Life is a marathon, not a short run.

4 Physical activity is critical to personal health. No matter how busy you are, always make time for your body. Exercise is important. If you don't do it, you will pay for it later.

5: Coffee is good, but not too much. If your diet is just a series of "red eyes," you may want to work on your sleep issues.

2-<br> https://www.nairaland.com/bliman
7-<br> https://stemedhub.org/members/15218/profile
8-<br> http://www.effecthub.com/user/2153405
9-<br> https://teletype.in/@bliman
10-<br> https://truewow.org/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=10312023
11-<br> https://challenges.openideo.com/servlet/hype/IMT?userAction=Browse&templateName=&documentId=63f0662db5074dd868d34ffcae79fe7a
12-<br> https://en.eyeka.com/u/bliman
13-<br> https://maxforlive.com/profile/user/bliman
14-<br> https://zumvu.com/bliman/
15-<br> https://disqus.com/by/imanblack/about/
16-<br> http://www.moviestorm.co.uk/community/?u=bliman
17-<br> https://www.credly.com/users/iman-black/badges
18-<br> https://leetcode.com/bliman/
19-<br> http://www.emorze.pl/eforum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=143516
20-<br> https://bestnet.ru/club/phpBB/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=22989&sid=ed6a271d6c180e955952e0f8812ad615
21-<br> https://coub.com/bliman11764
22-<br> https://www.hackathon.io/users/260367
23-<br> http://egamingsupply.com/forum/member.php/48370-bliman
24-<br> http://forum.hnkvz.hr/member.php?u=11103
25-<br> https://www.medicinacinesenews.it/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1443563
26-<br> http://www.aytoloja.org/jforum/user/edit/222315.page
27-<br> http://recipes.mentaframework.org/user/editDone/188422.page
28-<br> http://notes.soliveirajr.com/user/editDone/46716.page
29-<br> http://www.tjml.top/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=817107
30-<br> https://www.iniuria.us/forum/member.php?246425-bliman
31-<br> http://www.servinord.com/phpBB2/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=348941

V- Retrieved from yourself when possible.

1: If you try to jump the queue, you're out of luck. There are no shortcuts. If you cut them off, it will only backfire. Focus on investing in yourself and your abilities and let others do the rest.

(2) Reputation is essential. Above all, you want to be respected by your former employers, colleagues, partners, and collaborators. Maintaining a good reputation is key to success.

(3) It is not what you do, but what you do. Especially in the new world of digital media and personal branding, people want to know what attention you are getting today. What impact are you having today?

4 It is far better to refrain than to boast. It is not about convincing others of the extent of your knowledge. Rather, it is about showing that you are a team player and are willing to listen, learn, and add value whenever possible. No one likes to be the center of attention.

5. being a leader has nothing to do with being a formal leader. Just because you have a fancy title doesn't mean people will listen to you or take you seriously. To effectively lead a team, you must maintain the highest standards and lead by example.
Good luck.

1 The goal is not perfection. Your goal is to practice excellence. It is not about having a clear vision of the end result. On the contrary, you must think through every step. By doing so, you will create something worth sharing with the world.

2. 2 External benefits are fleeting and unsatisfying. It is certainly enjoyable, but that is not the end goal, quite the opposite. What is most valuable, what determines the quality of your life, is the number of people you have improved. You are the one who decides how to proceed.

3. it is dangerous to believe your own lies. No matter what you accomplish, no matter what external success you achieve, always remember that you are a child who started out with pure curiosity. Never lose your childlike curiosity.

32-<br> http://bbs.neteasegamer.jp/?9775516


33-<br> http://www.hislibris.com/foro-new/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=41984
34-<br> http://www.so0912.com/?885601
35-<br> https://influence.co/bliman
36-<br> https://board.radionomy.com/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=338660
37-<br> https://forum.cs-cart.com/user/194834-bliman
38-<br> https://plazapublica.cdmx.gob.mx/profiles/bliman/
39-<br> http://www.wikidot.com/user:info/bliman
40-<br> https://www.cplusplus.com/user/bliman
41-<br> https://rabbitroom.com/members/bliman/profile/
42-<br> https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/bliman/profile
43-<br> https://www.arabnet.me/english/startups/kawaiistuff
44-<br> https://www.trainsim.com/vbts/member.php?524224-bliman
45-<br> https://sandbox.zenodo.org/communities/bliman/?page=1&size=20
46-<br> https://forums.prosportsdaily.com/member.php?1176990-bliman
47-<br> https://forums.zmanda.com/member.php?56701-bliman
48-<br> https://scioly.org/forums/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=110012
49-<br> https://www.divephotoguide.com/user/bliman
50-<br> https://www.gta5-mods.com/users/bliman
51-<br> https://www.producthunt.com/@bliman
52-<br> https://wakelet.com/@imanblack238
53-<br> https://www.renderosity.com/users/id:1080489

4. you are only as good as your last adventure. If you must rely on your last home run (which may have been a long time ago) to showcase your current talents, you will fail. Long-term success means always looking for the next big risk.

5. somewhere out there, someone much younger than you is training hard to take over from you. Remember. Anyone can reach the summit. The hard part is staying there.


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